


1美食经典句子英文1. "Life is too short for bad food." 2. "Food is music to the body, music is food to the heart." 3. "The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating." 4. "Cooking is love made visible." 5. "Food is the ingredient that binds us together." 是什么。


01. This is really yummy! 这个真的很好吃! 2. The meal was out of this world. 那顿饭简直没治了。3. It makes my mouth water. 我都流口水了。4. I didn' expect it to taste so good. 没想到这么好吃! 5. This dish is quite palatable. 这个好了吧!



1美食的英文句子:1.Could I have the menu , please?给我一份菜单好吗?2.Are you ready to order now?你准备现在就点菜吗?3.Here is the menu, sir先生,这是菜单。4.Where did you have dinner last night?昨晚你在什么地方吃的饭?5.Do you like Chinese dishes你喜欢中国菜吗?6.What would you说完了。


1想知道关于美食的英文句子有哪些吗?下面小编整理了一些关于美食的句子,供大家学习参考。I'd like to try some real Chinese (Western) cuisine. 我想尝一尝某些真正的中国(西方)菜肴。What would you recommend? 你推荐点什么呢? Well, it depends. 嗯,那要看情况了。There are mainly eight Chinese cuisin等我继续说。

∩﹏∩ 试试语音朗读:


0In the Jiangnan area, eating steamed rice powder and pork is an important annual custom at the beginning of summer. And it’s also a must-eat traditional dish for Chinese New Year. 江南地区吃蒸米粉和猪肉是每年初夏的重要习俗,后面会介绍。



1唯美的英文句子美食精选When it comes to luxurious things in life, there's no denying that food is at the top of the list. After all, what is life without delicious meals that tantalize your taste buds and enchant your senses? From savory dishes to sweet treats, food is an art form 是什么。



0一、美味的英文之形容好吃1.Delicious 美味可口的,好吃的Eg. Who cooked this strawberry cake? It’s so delicious. 谁做的这个草莓蛋糕?太美味了。2.Yummy 很好吃的,美味的Eg. I like to make some yummy foods, like fried and sweet and sour po好了吧!


1世界上的美食太多太多了,相信很多小伙伴们都是吃货。对于吃货来说,唯美食不可辜负。面对各种美味,只会说delicious怎么够呢?想要更地道地表达“好吃”,英文还能怎么说呢?快来学习一下吧~ 1. yummy 好吃的; 美味的。小朋友最爱说的就是yummy,听好了吧!

ˇ^ˇ 试试语音朗读:


关于美食的英文句子简短一点   关于美食的英文句子简短带翻译   关于美食的英文句子简短励志   关于美食的英语短句子唯美   关于美食的优美英文句子   关于美食的英语短句   有关美食的英文经典句子   美食 英文句子   关于美食的英文短篇   关于美食 英文   

