

1有关宠物英语对话一A:That's OK, Ben, just let it go. I thought you were just a little too much into it. 好了,本,都过去了。我还以为你只是有点奇怪。B:I wasn't kidding before, OK, I'm fine now. 我刚才可没有开玩笑,不过我现在已经好了。A:Honey, have you ever heard that the等我继续说。



1宠物用品的英语以下是一些宠物用品的英语表达: 1. 食物和水: - Pet food: 宠物食品- Food bowl: 食物碗- Water bowl: 水碗- Pet treats: 宠物零食- Feeding mat: 饮食垫2. 睡眠和休息: - Pet bed: 宠物床- Blanket: 毛毯- Cushion: 垫子- Pet carrier: 宠物运输箱- Crate: 笼子3还有呢?.



0我是在门店卖宠物用品的,经常遇到老外,需要对话,谁能给我发些关于宠物用品的英语或常用的英语句子, 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析Pet宠物Pet tag宠物牌Paw爪子Footprint脚印Dog leash狗绳Dog collar狗脖套Dog bed狗床Dog house狗屋Dog shoes狗鞋Dog toys狗玩具Pet bowl宠物碗Dog sleep狗睡垫Dog clothes狗衣服Cat 是什么。

>﹏< 试试语音朗读:

0Pet宠物Pet tag宠物牌Paw爪子Footprint脚印Dog leash狗绳Dog collar狗脖套Dog bed狗床Dog house狗屋Dog shoes狗鞋Dog toys狗玩具Pet bowl宠物碗Dog sleep狗睡垫Dog clothes狗衣服Cat tree猫树、猫跳台



0What a delicious meat i like it This meat is very fresh,come and buy some,i means,is very delicious,is Suitable for old man and child! from$80.00$100.00 What a delicious meat i like it This meat is very fresh,come and buy some,i means,is very delicious,is Suitable for old man and后面会介绍。


1美国宠物用品制造商协会主席鲍勃·维特利说人类食品的变化趋势正迅速地被应用到到宠物食品上。2. It mainly produce a series of pet use articles like: iron dog cage, dog bags, pet cote, steel cables for pulling dogs, tying stakes, pet diaper, pet drinkers, etc, which are of complete specificatio还有呢?



0shop with me 🛒petsmart 宠物英语猫条/猫砂盆/牵狗绳这些单词你知道怎么说吗?今天的沉浸式英语学习场景是北美大型连锁宠物用品商店——petsmart在这里还能看到各种小动物哦~#英语#宠物#场景英语#英语单词#亲子英语25 5 5 2 发布时间:2▶☛☀☚◀02-26 05:34 还有呢?

∩ω∩ 试试语音朗读:

1英语交际中,对话中加入宠物这个话题,比较容易让人打开话匝。下面是店铺给大家整理的宠物英语交际口语对话,供大家参阅! 宠物英语交际口语对话1 Adrienne: Hey, Lisa, I was hoping you could tell me a little about this cat? 埃德里安娜:嗨,莉莎,我想请你说说这只猫的情况。Lisa: This is my cat Rocky. 等会说。

⊙0⊙ 试试语音朗读:


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